/********************************************************************* --- flashcommand : fscommand handler functions --- version 5.0.0 This is the general fscommand handler for ALL output formats *********************************************************************/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Global Vars /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var IE = ((document.all)&&(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1)) ? true : false; var g_strPlayer = "stealthray"; var DATA_PATH = "data/swf/"; var g_arrResults = new Array(); var FLASH_WND_WIDTH = 40; var FLASH_WND_HEIGHT = 30; var SWF_BASE_WIDTH = 980; var SWF_BASE_HEIGHT = 640; var WEBOBJ_LEFT = 254; var WEBOBJ_TOP = 36; if (FF1 || NS6plus) { WEBOBJ_LEFT = 253; WEBOBJ_TOP = 34; } if (!g_bScaleSwf) { WEBOBJ_LEFT -= 8; WEBOBJ_TOP -= 4; strSwfWidth = 992; strSwfHeight = 652; } var WEBOBJ_DISPLAY3_XPOS_ADJUST = 150; var WEBOBJ_DISPLAY3_YPOS_ADJUST = 20; var WEBOBJ_DISPLAY2_XPOS_ADJUST = 119; // Browser Resize var g_ResizeTimeout; var g_strQMPath = ""; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utility Functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Click() { // alert("Test"); } function WriteSwfObject(strFileName, strSwfWidth, strSwfHeight, strFlashVars, bWebObject, strTransparent, strScale) { var strLocProtocol = location.protocol; if (strLocProtocol.indexOf("file") >= 0) { strLocProtocol = "http:"; } document.write(" "); document.write(" "); document.write(" "); if (bWebObject) { document.write(" "); } document.write(" "); document.write(""); document.write(""); document.write(""); document.write(""); } function GetPlayer() { var player = null; if (IE) { player = document.getElementById("player"); } else { player = document.getElementById("eplayer"); } return player; } function CreateBookmark(args, bSlide) { if (!Opera7plus && IE4plus) { var nSlideNum = args.substring(0,args.indexOf("|")); var strTitle = args.substring((args.indexOf("|")+1),args.length); var _proto = document.location.protocol; var _host = document.location.host; var _pathname = document.location.pathname; var _search = document.location.search; var newpath = ""; var newUrl = ""; var nPos = 0; nPos = _pathname.lastIndexOf("/"); if (nPos <= 0) { nPos = _pathname.lastIndexOf("\\"); } if ( nPos < _pathname.length) { // if / is not the last char grab the trailing "/" nPos++; } if (_search.indexOf("akpDocumentID",0) < 0) { newpath = _pathname.substr(0, nPos) + "player.html"; newUrl = _proto + "//" + _host + newpath +"?slide=" + nSlideNum; } else { did = _search.substring((_search.lastIndexOf("akpDocumentID") + ("akpDocumentID").length+1), _search.length); newpath = "/Portal/Storage/DownloadDocument.aspx?DocumentID=" + did; newUrl = _proto+"//"+ _host + newpath + "?slide="+ nSlideNum; } if (bSlide) { strTitle = strTitle + " - Powered by Articulate "; } else { strTitle = strTitle + " Slide "+ nSlideNum +" - Powered by Articulate "; } try { window.external.AddFavorite(newUrl, strTitle); } catch (e) { var strErr = "Your browser does not support automatic bookmarking when run locally.\nTo bookmark this presentation, please create a bookmark \non the web page that launched this window."; alert(strErr); } } else { var strErr = "Your browser does not support automatic bookmarking.\nTo bookmark this presentation, please create a bookmark \non the web page that launched this window."; alert(strErr); } } function OpenFlashObjectWnd(args) { str = args; params = str.split("|"); var strContainerType = params[0]; // Unused var strFilename = params[1]; var nXPos = parseInt(params[2]); // Unused var nYPos = parseInt(params[3]); // Unused var nWidth = parseInt(params[4]); var nHeight = parseInt(params[5]); var strBrowserOptions = params[6]; var re = /width=0/gi; ww = strBrowserOptions.search(re); re = /height=0/gi; wh = strBrowserOptions.search(re); // If the width and height are 0 set to Full screen if ((ww >= 0 && wh >= 0) || (nWidth ==0 && nHeight==0)) { nWidth = window.screen.availWidth; nHeight = window.screen.availHeight; } PopFlashObj(DATA_PATH + strFilename, nWidth, nHeight) } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gets the base path //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function GetBasePath() { var strFullPath = document.location.href; var nPosHash = strFullPath.indexOf("#"); if (nPosHash > 0) { strFullPath = strFullPath.substring(0, nPosHash); } var nPos1 = -1; var nPos2 = -1; nPos1 = strFullPath.lastIndexOf("\\"); nPos2 = strFullPath.lastIndexOf("/"); if (nPos2 > nPos1) { nPos1 = nPos2; } if (nPos1 >= 0) { strFullPath = strFullPath.substring(0, nPos1 + 1); } strFullPath = escape(strFullPath); return(strFullPath); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Zoom code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var g_oZoomInfo = new Object(); var g_wndZoom; function PopFlashObj(strFileName, nWidth, nHeight) { var strScroll = "0"; g_oZoomInfo.strFileName = GetBasePath() + strFileName; g_oZoomInfo.nWidth = parseInt(nWidth); g_oZoomInfo.nHeight = parseInt(nHeight); if (g_oZoomInfo.nWidth > screen.availWidth) { g_oZoomInfo.nWidth = screen.availWidth; strScroll = "1"; } if (g_oZoomInfo.nHeight > screen.availHeight) { g_oZoomInfo.nHeight = screen.availHeight; strScroll = "1"; } var strOptions = "width=" + g_oZoomInfo.nWidth +",height=" + g_oZoomInfo.nHeight + ", status=0, toolbar=0, location=0, menubar=0, scrollbars=" + strScroll; if (g_wndZoom) { try { g_wndZoom.close() } catch (e) { } } g_wndZoom = window.open("player/zoom.html", "", strOptions); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End Zoom code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function OpenWebObjectWnd(args) { str = args; params = str.split("|"); var strContainerType = params[0]; // Unused var strObjectType = params[1]; // Unused var nXPos = params[2]; // Unused var nYPos = params[3]; // Unused var nWidth = params[4]; var nHeight = params[5]; var strBrowserOptions = params[6]; var strMode = params[7]; // Unused var strUrl = params[8]; var bDefaultControls = false; if (strBrowserOptions == "") { bDefaultControls = true; } //Check for repository: if (strUrl.toLowerCase().indexOf("repository://") == 0) { strUrl = "/Portal/Storage/Viewers/ArtPlayer/FollowLink.aspx?file=" + strUrl; } if (nWidth == -1 && nHeight == -1) { nWidth = document.body.clientWidth; nHeight = document.body.clientHeight; } // If the width and height are 0 set to Full screen if (nWidth ==0 && nHeight==0) { nWidth = window.screen.availWidth; nHeight = window.screen.availHeight; strBrowserOptions += ",width="+nWidth+",height="+nHeight+",left=0,top=0,screenX=0,screenY=0"; } else { strBrowserOptions += ",width=" + nWidth + ",height=" +nHeight; } if (FF) { var arrBrowserOptions = strBrowserOptions.split(","); var bToolbar = false; var nTBIndex = -1; var bLocation = false; var nLocIndex = -1; for (var i = 0; i < arrBrowserOptions.length; i++) { var arrTemp = arrBrowserOptions[i].split("="); switch(arrTemp[0]) { case "toolbar": bToolbar = (arrTemp[1] == "yes") ? true : false; nTBIndex = i break; case "location": bLocation = (arrTemp[1] == "yes") ? true : false; nLocIndex = i; break; } } if (!bLocation) { arrBrowserOptions[nTBIndex] = "toolbar=no"; } strBrowserOptions = arrBrowserOptions.join(","); } //--Setup the Window.open Target Url to popup and populate: var wndWebObj; var bSuccess = true; if (bDefaultControls) { try { wndWebObj = window.open(strUrl, "mediaobjectwin"); wndWebObj.resizeTo(nWidth, nHeight); } catch (e) { if (e.number == -2147024891) { alert("The page you are linking to is in a different security zone then the presentation. If running locally, adding the mark of the web to the local page may address this problem.") bSuccess = false; } } } else { try { wndWebObj = window.open(strUrl, "mediaobjectwin", strBrowserOptions); } catch (e) { if (e.number == -2147024891) { alert("The page you are linking to is in a different security zone then the presentation. If running locally, adding the mark of the web to the local page may address this problem.") bSuccess = false; } } } if (bSuccess) { wndWebObj.focus(); } } function ShowWebObjectDiv(args) { str = args; params = str.split("|"); var strContainerType = params[0]; // Unused var strObjectType = params[1]; // Unused var nXPos = parseInt(params[2]); var nYPos = parseInt(params[3]); var nWidth = parseInt(params[4]); var nHeight = parseInt(params[5]); var strBrowserOptions = params[6]; var strMode = params[7]; // scale modes var strUrl = params[8]; //Check for repository:// string// if (strUrl.toLowerCase().indexOf("repository://") == 0) { strUrl = "/Portal/Storage/Viewers/ArtPlayer/FollowLink.aspx?file=" + strUrl; } //- (iframe) -// if (g_bWebObject) { // Set the global values g_bWebObjDisplay = true; g_nWebXPos = nXPos; g_nWebYPos = nYPos; g_nWebWidth = nWidth; g_nWebHeight = nHeight; g_strWebMode = strMode; // Set the URL var myIFrame = document.getElementById("eIFContent"); myIFrame.src = strUrl; // Adjust the Size and position ResizeWebObject(); } else { //alert("Can't find a media layer. Opening in a new window instead."); window.open(strUrl, "webobjectwin", "width=700,height=500,"+strBrowserOptions); } } function HideWebObjectDiv(args) { //clear the iframe if (g_bWebObject) { g_bWebObjDisplay = false; // Make the WebObject Small for Firefox g_nWebWidth = 5; g_nWebHeight = 5; ResizeWebObject(); // Set the layer to be invisible var layerWebObject = document.getElementById("eLayer1"); layerWebObject.style.visibility = 'hidden'; // Fill with blank page var myIFrame = document.getElementById("eIFContent"); myIFrame.src = "player/blank.html"; } } function SetDisplayMode(args) { var params = args.split("|"); currentDisplayMode = params[0]; if (g_bWebObjDisplay) { ResizeWebObject(); } } function ShowMediaObject(args) { //rightclick insert webobject, display in new window// str = args; params = str.split("|"); var _url = params[0]; var _options = params[1]; //--Launch a new window with the specifed parameters and content: window.open(_url, "mediaobjectwin", _options); } function SendQuiz() { g_strQuizResults = g_strQuizResults.replace(/'/g,"'"); var sHTML = ""; sHTML += '
'; sHTML += ''; sHTML += '

'; sHTML += '
'; document.getElementById("divQuiz").innerHTML = sHTML; document.getElementById("formQuiz").submit(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Resize Event /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var g_resizeTimer; var g_nWebXPos = 0; var g_nWebYPos = 0; var g_nWebWidth = 0; var g_nWebHeight = 0; var g_bWebObjDisplay = false; var g_strWebMode = "scaleall"; function ResizeWebObject() { var layerWebObject = document.getElementById("eLayer1"); var myIFrame = document.getElementById("eIFContent"); var nWidth = g_nWebWidth; var nHeight = g_nWebHeight; var nXPos = g_nWebXPos; var nYPos = g_nWebYPos; // Calculate the Ratio and Offsets var swfMovie = GetPlayer() var nSwfXPos = swfMovie.offsetLeft; var nSwfYPos = swfMovie.offsetTop; var nSwfHeight = swfMovie.clientHeight; var nSwfWidth = swfMovie.clientWidth; if (isMac && IE5) { nSwfWidth = swfMovie.width; if (swfMovie.width == "100%") { nSwfWidth = document.body.clientWidth; } nSwfHeight = swfMovie.height; if (swfMovie.height == "100%") { nSwfHeight = document.body.clientHeight; } } var nWRatio = nSwfWidth / SWF_BASE_WIDTH; var nHRatio = nSwfHeight / SWF_BASE_HEIGHT; var nRatio = 1; var nLeftOffset = 0; var nTopOffset = 0; // Adjust the Width and the height for firefox if (FF1 || NS6plus) { nWidth -= 5; nHeight -= 5; } //Handle special Mode 2 and 3 cases: if (currentDisplayMode == 3) { nXPos -= WEBOBJ_DISPLAY3_XPOS_ADJUST; nYPos -= WEBOBJ_DISPLAY3_YPOS_ADJUST; nXPos *= 1.13; nYPos *= 1.13; nWidth *= 1.13; nHeight *= 1.13; } else if (currentDisplayMode == 2) { nXPos -= WEBOBJ_DISPLAY2_XPOS_ADJUST; } if (nHRatio < nWRatio) { nRatio = nHRatio; nLeftOffset = (nSwfWidth - (SWF_BASE_WIDTH * nRatio)) / 2; } else { nRatio = nWRatio; nTopOffset = (nSwfHeight - (SWF_BASE_HEIGHT * nRatio)) / 2; } strMode = "scaleall"; if ((g_strWebMode == "") || (g_strWebMode == "scaleall")) { factorSize = nRatio; factorPosition = nRatio; } if (g_strWebMode =="scaleposition") { factorSize = 1; factorPosition = nRatio; } if (g_strWebMode == "scalesize") { factorSize = nRatio; factorPosition = 1; } if (g_strWebMode == "absolute") { factorSize = 1; factorPosition = 1; } iLeft = (WEBOBJ_LEFT + nXPos) * factorPosition + nLeftOffset; iTop = (WEBOBJ_TOP + nYPos) * factorPosition + nTopOffset; iWidth = nWidth * factorSize; iHeight = nHeight * factorSize; //Resize the layer layerWebObject.style.left = nSwfXPos + iLeft; layerWebObject.style.top = nSwfYPos + iTop; layerWebObject.style.width = iWidth; layerWebObject.style.height = iHeight; layerWebObject.style.visibility = 'visible'; // Resize the IFrame myIFrame.style.width = iWidth; myIFrame.style.height = iHeight; } function WindowResize() { // Notify the swf that we have resized. This is for // text that does not scale properly if (g_bScaleSwf) { // Make sure that we don't send 100 resize messages in a row clearTimeout(g_ResizeTimeout); g_ResizeTimeout = setTimeout("NotifySwfResize()", 200); } // Resize the Web Object if (g_bWebObjDisplay) { ResizeWebObject(); } } function NotifySwfResize() { var swfMovie = GetPlayer(); swfMovie.SetVariable("g_Resize.Trigger", "1"); } function SetBgColor(strColor) { var strTemp = ""; if (IE4 && !Opera && !isMac) { strTemp = "0x" + strColor; document.bgColor = parseInt(strTemp); } else { strTemp = "#" + strColor; document.bgColor = strTemp; } } window.onresize = WindowResize; var g_strAttachment = ""; function OpenAttachment() { if (IESP2 || IE7Above) { try { window.open('player/attach.html?' + unescape(GetBasePath()) + g_strAttachment,"attach") } catch (e) { if (e.number == -2147024891) { alert("For viewing attachments when presentation is not playing from a website, view the Knowledge Base article located at http://kb.articulate.com/kb/000669.php") } } } else { window.open(unescape(GetBasePath()) + g_strAttachment); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Results Screen Code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function QuestionResult(nQuestionNum, strQuestion, strResult, strCorrectResponse, strStudentResponse, nPoints, strInteractionId, strObjectiveId, strType, strLatency) { if (nPoints < 0) { nPoints = 0; } if (strCorrectResponse == "") { strCorrectResponse = " "; } this.nQuestionNum = nQuestionNum this.strQuestion = strQuestion; this.strCorrectResponse = strCorrectResponse; this.strStudentResponse = strStudentResponse; this.strResult = strResult; this.nPoints = nPoints; this.bFound = false; this.dtmFinished = new Date(); this.strInteractionId = strInteractionId; this.strObjectiveId = strObjectiveId; this.strType = strType; this.strLatency = strLatency; } function StoreResult(args) { args = args.replace(/\|\$s\$\|/g,";") var arrParams = args.split("|$:$|"); var oQuestionResult = new QuestionResult(parseInt(arrParams[0]) + 1, arrParams[1], arrParams[2], arrParams[3], arrParams[4] ,arrParams[5]); var nIndex = g_arrResults.length; // Lets see if we have answered the question before for (var i = 0; i < g_arrResults.length; i++) { if (g_arrResults[i].nQuestionNum == oQuestionResult.nQuestionNum) { nIndex = i; break; } } g_arrResults[nIndex] = oQuestionResult; } function StoreQuestionResult(nQuestionNum, strQuestion, strResult, strCorrectResponse, strStudentResponse, nPoints, strInteractionId, strObjectiveId, strType, strLatency) { var oQuestionResult = new QuestionResult(nQuestionNum, strQuestion, strResult, strCorrectResponse, strStudentResponse, nPoints, strInteractionId, strObjectiveId, strType, strLatency); var nIndex = g_arrResults.length; // Lets see if we have answered the question before for (var i = 0; i < g_arrResults.length; i++) { if (g_arrResults[i].nQuestionNum == oQuestionResult.nQuestionNum && strQuestion == g_arrResults[i].strQuestion) { nIndex = i; break; } } g_arrResults[nIndex] = oQuestionResult; } function StoreQuizResult(args) { var arrParams = args.split("|$:$|"); g_oQuizResults.dtmFinished = new Date(); g_oQuizResults.strResult = arrParams[0]; g_oQuizResults.strScore = arrParams[1]; g_oQuizResults.strPassingScore = arrParams[2]; } function ShowResult(args) { var arrData = args.split("|$s$|"); if (!g_oQuizResults.oOptions) { g_oQuizResults.oOptions = new Object(); } g_oQuizResults.oOptions.bShowUserScore = (arrData[0] == "1"); g_oQuizResults.oOptions.bShowPassingScore = (arrData[1] == "1"); g_oQuizResults.oOptions.bShowShowPassFail = (arrData[2] == "1"); g_oQuizResults.oOptions.bShowQuizReview = (arrData[3] == "1"); g_oQuizResults.oOptions.strResult = arrData[4]; g_oQuizResults.oOptions.strName = arrData[5]; window.open(GetBasePath() + g_strQMPath + "report.html", "Reports") } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Zoom code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var g_oZoomInfo = new Object(); var g_wndZoom; function PopZoomImage(strFileName, nWidth, nHeight, strZoomPath) { var strScroll = "0"; g_oZoomInfo.strFileName = strFileName; g_oZoomInfo.nWidth = parseInt(nWidth); g_oZoomInfo.nHeight = parseInt(nHeight); if (g_oZoomInfo.nWidth > screen.availWidth) { g_oZoomInfo.nWidth = screen.availWidth; strScroll = "1"; } if (g_oZoomInfo.nHeight > screen.availHeight) { g_oZoomInfo.nHeight = screen.availHeight; strScroll = "1"; } var strOptions = "width=" + g_oZoomInfo.nWidth +",height=" + g_oZoomInfo.nHeight + ", status=0, toolbar=0, location=0, menubar=0, scrollbars=" + strScroll; if (g_wndZoom) { try { g_wndZoom.close() } catch (e) { } } var strRelPath = g_strQMPath; if (strZoomPath != "" && strZoomPath != undefined && strZoomPath != null) { strRelPath = strZoomPath; } var strZoom = "zoom.html?" + "vFileName=" + strFileName + "&vWndWidth=" + nWidth + "&vWndHeight=" + nHeight; var strBase = GetBasePath().split("%20").join(" "); if (strRelPath.indexOf(strBase) < 0) { strRelPath = strBase + strRelPath; } g_wndZoom = window.open(strRelPath + strZoom, "Zoom", strOptions); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Video //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function PopVideo(strVidSwf, strWndWidth, strWndHeight, strVidWidth, strVidHeight, strDuration, strPlaybar, strAutoplay) { var nWndWidth = parseInt(strWndWidth); var nWndHeight = parseInt(strWndHeight); var strSearch = "vVidSwf=" + strVidSwf + "&vWndWidth=" + strWndWidth + "&vWndHeight=" + strWndHeight + "&vVidWidth=" + strVidWidth + "&vVidHeight=" + strVidHeight + "&vDuration=" + strDuration + "&vPlaybar=" + strPlaybar + "&vAutoplay=" + strAutoplay; if (nWndWidth > screen.availWidth) { nWndWidth = screen.availWidth; } if (nWndHeight > screen.availHeight) { nWndHeight = screen.availHeight; } var strOptions = "width=" + nWndWidth +",height=" + nWndHeight + ", status=0, toolbar=0, location=0, menubar=0, scrollbars=0"; if (g_wndZoom) { try { g_wndZoom.close() } catch (e) { } } g_wndZoom = window.open(GetBasePath() + g_strContentFolder + "/VidLoader.html?" + strSearch, "Video", strOptions); } function OpenVideo(strUrl, strWndWidth, strWndHeight, strVidWidth, strVidHeight, strDuration, strPlaybar, strAutoPlay, strStatus, strToolbar, strLocation, strMenubar, strScrollbars, strResizable, strPlayerPath, strContentPath) { var nWndWidth = parseInt(strWndWidth); var nWndHeight = parseInt(strWndHeight); var strSearch = "exUrl=" + strContentPath + strUrl + "&exWndWidth=" + strWndWidth + "&exWndHeight=" + strWndHeight + "&exWidth=" + strVidWidth + "&exHeight=" + strVidHeight + "&exDuration=" + strDuration + "&exPlaybar=" + strPlaybar + "&exAutoPlay=" + strAutoPlay; if (nWndWidth > screen.availWidth) { nWndWidth = screen.availWidth; } if (nWndHeight > screen.availHeight) { nWndHeight = screen.availHeight; } var strOptions = ""; strOptions += "width=" + nWndWidth; strOptions += ", height=" + nWndHeight; strOptions += ", status=" + ((strStatus.toLowerCase() == "true") ? 1 : 0); strOptions += ", toolbar=" + ((strToolbar.toLowerCase() == "true") ? 1 : 0); strOptions += ", location=" + ((strLocation.toLowerCase() == "true") ? 1 : 0); strOptions += ", menubar=" + ((strMenubar.toLowerCase() == "true") ? 1 : 0); strOptions += ", scrollbars=" + ((strScrollbars.toLowerCase() == "true") ? 1 : 0); strOptions += ", resizable=" + ((strResizable.toLowerCase() == "true") ? 1 : 0); var nXPos = 0; var nYPos = 0; var nWidth = screen.availWidth; var nHeight = screen.availHeight; if (window.screenX != undefined) { nXPos = window.screenX; nYPos = window.screenY; nWidth = window.innerWidth; nHeight = window.innerHeight; } else if (window.screenLeft != undefined) { nXPos = window.screenLeft; nYPos = window.screenTop; nWidth = document.body.offsetWidth; nHeight = document.body.offsetHeight; } if (g_wndZoom) { try { g_wndZoom.close() } catch (e) { } } strOptions += ", left=" + (nXPos + (nWidth - nWndWidth)/2); strOptions += ", screenX=" + (nXPos + (nWidth - nWndWidth)/2); strOptions += ", top=" + (nYPos + (nHeight - nWndHeight)/2); strOptions += ", screenY=" + (nYPos + (nHeight - nWndHeight)/2); g_wndZoom = window.open(strPlayerPath + "VideoPlayer.html?" + strSearch, "Video", strOptions); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get Time //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function GetTime(dtmDate) { var strResult = ""; var nHours = dtmDate.getHours(); var strAM = "am"; var nMinutes = dtmDate.getMinutes(); var strMinutes = "" + nMinutes; var nSeconds = dtmDate.getSeconds(); var strSeconds = "" + nSeconds; if (nMinutes < 10) { strMinutes = "0" + nMinutes; } if (nSeconds < 10) { strSeconds = "0" + nSeconds; } strResult = nHours + ":" + strMinutes + ":" + strSeconds; return strResult; } function GetDate(dtmDate) { var strResult = ""; strResult = (dtmDate.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + dtmDate.getDate() + "/" + dtmDate.getFullYear(); return strResult; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Email Results //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function EmailResults(strAddress) { var g_strSubject = "Quiz Results: " + g_oQuizResults.strTitle; var strQuizResults = ""; var strMainHeader = " " + g_oQuizResults.strTitle + "\nStatus, Raw Score, Passing Score, Max Score, Min Score, Time\n"; var strLineHeader = "\n\nDate, Time, Score, Interaction ID, Objective Id, Interaction Type, Student Response, Result, Weight, Latency\n"; var strMainData = "\n"; var strLineData = "\n"; // Status strMainData += g_oQuizResults.strResult + ","; // Score // strMainData += g_oQuizResults.strScore + ","; // Raw Score strMainData += g_oQuizResults.strPtScore + ","; // Passing Score strMainData += Math.round((g_oQuizResults.strPassingScore/100) * g_oQuizResults.strPtMax) + ","; // Max Score strMainData += g_oQuizResults.strPtMax + ","; // Min Score strMainData += 0 + ","; // Time strMainData += GetTime(g_oQuizResults.dtmFinished); for (var i = 0; i < g_arrResults.length; i++) { //Date strLineData += GetDate(g_arrResults[i].dtmFinished) + ","; // Time strLineData += GetTime(g_arrResults[i].dtmFinished) + ","; // Score strLineData += g_arrResults[i].nPoints + ","; // Interaction Id strLineData += g_arrResults[i].strInteractionId + ","; // Objective Id strLineData += g_arrResults[i].strObjectiveId + ","; // Interaction Type strLineData += g_arrResults[i].strType + ","; // Student Response var strResponse = g_arrResults[i].strStudentResponse; strResponse = ReplaceAll(strResponse, "'", "%27"); strLineData += strResponse + ","; // Result strLineData += g_arrResults[i].strResult + ","; // Weight strLineData += "1,"; // Latency strLineData += g_arrResults[i].strLatency; strLineData += "\n"; } strQuizResults = strMainHeader + strMainData + strLineHeader + strLineData; var sHTML = ""; sHTML += '
'; sHTML += ''; sHTML += '

'; sHTML += '
'; document.getElementById("divQuiz").innerHTML = sHTML; document.getElementById("formQuiz").submit(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Flash Command Handler /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var g_strDelim = "|~|"; var g_strInteractionDelim = "|#|"; function player_DoJSCommand(command, args) { var strCommand = command; var strArgs = ReplaceAll(args, "|$|", "%"); player_DoFSCommand(strCommand, strArgs) } function ReplaceAll(strTarget, strChar, strNew) { var arrRemoved = strTarget.split(strChar); return arrRemoved.join(strNew); } function eplayer_DoFSCommand(command, args) { player_DoFSCommand(command, args) } function player_DoFSCommand(command, args) { if (command.substr(0, 3) == "CC_") { player_DoChicoCommand(command, args); } args = String(args); args = args.replace(/%_q_%/g,"\"") args = args.replace(/;/g,"|$s$|") args = args.replace(/%_s_%/g,";") switch (command) { case "current_slide_index": g_nCurrentSlideIndex = Number(args); break; case "bookmark_presentation": CreateBookmark(args, false); break; case "bookmark_slide": CreateBookmark(args, true); break; case "hyper_flashobject": OpenFlashObjectWnd(args); break; case "hyper_webobject_newwindow": OpenWebObjectWnd(args); break; case "hyper_webobject_inplayer": ShowWebObjectDiv(args); break; case "hyper_webobject_inplayer_hide": HideWebObjectDiv(args); break; case "ART_displaymode": SetDisplayMode(args); break; case "hyper_mediaobject": ShowMediaObject(args); break; case "ART_CloseAndExit": if (!g_bLMS || g_bAOSupport) { top.window.close(); } break; case "ART_SetBgBolor": SetBgColor(args); break; case "ART_Attachment": g_strAttachment = args; if (IESP2) { OpenAttachment() } else { setTimeout("OpenAttachment()", 100) } break; case "RR_PopVideo": var arrArgs = args.split("|~|"); OpenVideo(arrArgs[0], Number(arrArgs[1]) + 5, Number(arrArgs[2]) + 12, arrArgs[3], arrArgs[4], arrArgs[5], arrArgs[6], arrArgs[7], "false", "false", "false", "false", "false", "false", "player/", ""); break; case "AP_OpenVideo": var arrArgs = args.split("|"); OpenVideo(arrArgs[0], arrArgs[1], arrArgs[2], arrArgs[3], arrArgs[4], arrArgs[5], arrArgs[6], arrArgs[7], arrArgs[8], arrArgs[9], arrArgs[10], arrArgs[11], arrArgs[12], arrArgs[13], "player/", "../data/swf/"); break; // Email Handlers case "emailEmail": g_strEmail = args; break; case "QuizResults": case "Quiz Results": var strTemp = args.replace(/\|\$s\$\|/g,";"); g_strQuizResults = strTemp; break; case "emailSubject": g_strSubject = args; break; case "emailSubmit": SendQuiz(); break; // QM Handlers case "SetQMPath": g_strQMPath = args; break; case "StoreQuestionResult": StoreResult(args); break; case "StoreQuizResult": StoreQuizResult(args); break; case "DisplayPrintScreen": ShowResult(args); break; case "ART_QMAttachment": g_strAttachment = g_strQMPath + args; if (IESP2) { OpenAttachment() } else { setTimeout("OpenAttachment()", 100) } break; case "QM_ZoomImage": var arrData = args.split("|~|"); PopZoomImage(arrData[0], arrData[1], arrData[2], arrData[3]); break; } if (g_bLMS) { customFScommandHandler(command, args); //found in Lms.js } if (g_bAOSupport) { AO_DoFSCommand(command, args); } } function CloseWindow() { top.window.close(); } function player_DoChicoCommand(command, args) { args = String(args); command = String(command); var arrArgs = args.split(g_strDelim); switch (command) { case "CC_SetInteractionDelim": g_strInteractionDelim = args; break; case "CC_SetDelim": ResetPrintData(); g_strDelim = args; break; case "CC_ZoomImage": PopZoomImage(arrArgs[0], arrArgs[1], arrArgs[2], arrArgs[9]); break; case "CC_OpenVideo": OpenVideo(arrArgs[0], arrArgs[1], arrArgs[2], arrArgs[3], arrArgs[4], arrArgs[5], arrArgs[6], arrArgs[7], arrArgs[8], arrArgs[9], arrArgs[10], arrArgs[11], arrArgs[12], arrArgs[13], arrArgs[14], ""); break; case "CC_StoreQuestionResult": StoreQuestionResult(parseFloat(arrArgs[0]), arrArgs[1], arrArgs[2], arrArgs[3], arrArgs[4] ,arrArgs[5], arrArgs[6], arrArgs[7], arrArgs[8], arrArgs[9]); break; case "CC_StoreQuizResult": g_oQuizResults.dtmFinished = new Date(); g_oQuizResults.strResult = arrArgs[0]; g_oQuizResults.strScore = arrArgs[1]; g_oQuizResults.strPassingScore = arrArgs[2]; g_oQuizResults.strMinScore = arrArgs[3]; g_oQuizResults.strMaxScore = arrArgs[4]; g_oQuizResults.strPtScore = arrArgs[5]; g_oQuizResults.strPtMax = arrArgs[6]; g_oQuizResults.strTitle = arrArgs[7]; break; case "CC_PrintResults": g_oQuizResults.oOptions.bShowUserScore = (arrArgs[0] == "true"); g_oQuizResults.oOptions.bShowPassingScore = (arrArgs[1] == "true"); g_oQuizResults.oOptions.bShowShowPassFail = (arrArgs[2] == "true"); g_oQuizResults.oOptions.bShowQuizReview = (arrArgs[3] == "true"); g_oQuizResults.oOptions.strResult = arrArgs[4]; g_oQuizResults.oOptions.strName = arrArgs[5]; window.open(arrArgs[6] + "report.html", "Reports") break; case "CC_EmailResults": g_oQuizResults.oOptions.bShowUserScore = (arrArgs[0] == "true"); g_oQuizResults.oOptions.bShowPassingScore = (arrArgs[1] == "true"); g_oQuizResults.oOptions.bShowShowPassFail = (arrArgs[2] == "true"); g_oQuizResults.oOptions.bShowQuizReview = (arrArgs[3] == "true"); g_oQuizResults.oOptions.strResult = arrArgs[4]; g_oQuizResults.oOptions.strName = arrArgs[5]; EmailResults(arrArgs[6]); break; case "CC_OpenUrl": OpenUrl(arrArgs[0], arrArgs[1], arrArgs[2], arrArgs[3], arrArgs[4], arrArgs[5], arrArgs[6], arrArgs[7], arrArgs[8], arrArgs[9], arrArgs[10], arrArgs[11], arrArgs[12], arrArgs[13]); break; case "CC_ClosePlayer": if (!g_bLMS || g_bAOSupport) { if (FF) { setTimeout("CloseWindow()", 100); } else { CloseWindow(); } } break; default: break; } if (g_bLMS) { lms_DoFSCommand(command, args); } } function ResetPrintData() { g_arrResults = new Array(); g_oQuizResults = new Object(); g_oQuizResults.oOptions = new Object(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Open Url //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function OpenUrl(strUrl, strWindow, strWindowSize, strWidth, strHeight, strUseDefaultControls, strStatus, strToolbar, strLocation, strMenubar, strScrollbars, strResizable) { var nWndWidth = parseInt(strWidth); var nWndHeight = parseInt(strHeight); var bUseDefaultSize = (strWindowSize.toLowerCase() == "default"); var bUseDefaultControls = (strUseDefaultControls.toLowerCase() == "true"); var bFullScreen = (strWindowSize.toLowerCase() == "fullscreen"); if (bFullScreen) { nWndWidth = screen.availWidth; nWndHeight = screen.availHeight; } else { if (nWndWidth > screen.availWidth) { nWndWidth = screen.availWidth; } if (nWndHeight > screen.availHeight) { nWndHeight = screen.availHeight; } } var strOptions = ""; if (!bUseDefaultControls) { if (!bUseDefaultSize) { strOptions += "width=" + nWndWidth + ", "; strOptions += "height=" + nWndHeight + ", "; } strOptions += "status=" + ((strStatus.toLowerCase() == "true") ? 1 : 0); strOptions += ", toolbar=" + ((strToolbar.toLowerCase() == "true") ? 1 : 0); strOptions += ", location=" + ((strLocation.toLowerCase() == "true") ? 1 : 0); strOptions += ", menubar=" + ((strMenubar.toLowerCase() == "true") ? 1 : 0); strOptions += ", scrollbars=" + ((strScrollbars.toLowerCase() == "true") ? 1 : 0); strOptions += ", resizable=" + ((strResizable.toLowerCase() == "true") ? 1 : 0); } var oNewWnd; if (bUseDefaultSize && bUseDefaultControls) { window.open(strUrl, strWindow); } else if (bUseDefaultControls) { if (IE) { oNewWnd = window.open("player/blank.html", strWindow); if (bFullScreen) { oNewWnd.moveTo(0, 0); } oNewWnd.resizeTo(nWndWidth, nWndHeight); oNewWnd.document.location = strUrl; } else { oNewWnd = window.open(strUrl, strWindow); oNewWnd.resizeTo(nWndWidth, nWndHeight); } } else { oNewWnd = window.open(strUrl, strWindow, strOptions); } if (bFullScreen && !(bUseDefaultControls && IE)) { oNewWnd.moveTo(0, 0); } }